
If I use the wrong terminology apologises, this question is a bit beyond my knowledge.
I have some python code that makes the Song Title and Artist info available for display on my Audio Preamp. It makes use of MPD and SocketIO to get and pass the data. The python code was written by someone else.
After an unexpected Mains outage I have had to rebuild everything on a new SD card and this has meant a new download of SocketIO-client. It seems that SocketIO has changed since my last build and now is not compatible with the python code and it will not run. I have advised the author and he is investigating it, but is very busy so I thought I would ask here in case this is a known and fixed issue by V’s developers and then I can pass on the comments to save him time The Python code is as below. Thanks

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Class for connecting to Volumio and retrieving its playback status.
# You can define callback function that are called on a change of status, title, artist
# Uses socketIO-client for connecting to Volumio and retrieving the status:

from socketIO_client import SocketIO, LoggingNamespace

class VolumioClient(object):
    def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=3000):
        self._host = host
        self._port = port
        self._status = ''
        self._title = ''
        self._artist = ''
        self._socketio = ''
        self._status_change_callback = ''
        self._title_change_callback = ''
        self._artist_change_callback = ''

    def on_status_change(self, callback):
        self._status_change_callback = callback

    def on_title_change(self, callback):
        self._title_change_callback = callback

    def on_artist_change(self, callback):
        self._artist_change_callback = callback

    # Callback function as response on 'getState', used to retrieve status, title, artist
    def on_push_state(self, *args):
#        print('getstate', args)
        if 'status' in args[0]:
            new_status = args[0]['status']
            if new_status != self._status:
                if self._status_change_callback:
                self._status = new_status
        if 'title' in args[0]:
            new_title = args[0]['title']
            if new_title != self._title:
                if self._title_change_callback:
                self._title = new_title
            # Set empty title when playback is stopped to ensure also title callback is triggered when it starts again
            if self._status != 'play':
                self._title = ''
        if 'artist' in args[0]:
            new_artist = args[0]['artist']
            if new_artist != self._artist:
                if self._artist_change_callback:
                self._artist = new_artist

    def connect(self):
        self._socketio = SocketIO(self._host, self._port, LoggingNamespace)

        # getState response handler
        self._socketio.on('pushState', self.on_push_state)
        # getState command

    def wait(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import unicodedata

    status = 'unknown'

    # Define callback functions
    def status_changed(new_status):
        global status
        print('status_changed() status: ' +  status + '->' + new_status)
        status = new_status

    def title_changed(title):
        print('title_changed(): ' + title)

    def artist_changed(artist):
        print('artist_changed(): ' + artist)

        volumio = VolumioClient(host="mediaplayer", port=3000)

        while True:

    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        print("Keyboard or system exit interrupt");

    # Catch all other non-exit errors
    except Exception as e:
