I’m trying to configure Volumio + Snapcast + Spotify using this guide and i’ve got some issue…
Everthings works fine when i’m playing local file or web radio to all my rooms but it dosen’t seems to works with spotify… allready search on internet but didn’t found anythings to help me with that.
It’s seems to works with the MPD and server config from here
The only things i have to figure it out now is: Normaly it’s existing a specific stream in the spotify app i think, like VOLUMIO-MPD or SNAPCAST to stream everywhere ?
Because for now, i have to select the “main” volumio to play the music everywhere…
I can’t comment on the rest as I never tired snapcast, but from your logs, VLS is setup correctly and writing data to /tmp/snapfifo.
The warning below about IPv6 is just a warning as Volumio disables IPv6…
I’ve been working on this, have to check on my pc later if I patched this already on GitHub (on my phone now). A fix is available the plugin needs some patching for the toml file, nothing too fancy.
Still the same… it’s working when I select my principal volumio client (here volumiosalon) but I don’t have a specific Spotify connect for all my device
Gotcha, I’m experiencing the same issue. I’ve toyed around with other services like Balena to see the multi-room working in action, but I really prefer the interface and existing plugins available in Volumio
When I’ve installed Snapcast using the manual steps, I don’t get audio streamed to my other devices, and I also don’t get the option to allow clients to control volume (near the bottom of the page)