Simple Control Interface

I would like to suggest a simple, cut-down version of the volumio interface.

This would ideally feature very basic controls for:

Play / Pause (Toggle)
Prev / Next
Vol Up / Vol Down

It may also display minimal information, like the /dev page inc:

{“status”:“pause”,“position”:0,“title”:“China Grove”,“artist”:“The Doobie Brothers”,“album”:“Listen to the Music: The Very Best of the Doobie Brothers”,“trackType”:“flac”,“seek”:0,“duration”:195,“samplerate”:“44.1 kHz”,“bitdepth”:“16 bit”,“channels”:2,“bitrate”:“638 Kbps”,“random”:true}

and optionally the play queue.

The existing /dev interface could just be updated with the control buttons as above.

This would allow really quick access to playback controls.

It would be very useful on older, less powerful devices, which either have trouble displaying the full UI, or are slow to display the full UI, and would be particularly useful when you want to quickly stop or start playback or adjust volume.

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