Shuffling, with the first track as random

I have written a plugin which plays a playlist when I press a button. I want it to play randomly, which I have fogured out, but it always starts on the first track of the playlist.

Any ideas of a way around this? I tried sending a “next” command straight after playing but it doesn’t seem to trigger.

This is the current code.
socket.emit(‘setRandom’, { value: false})
socket.emit(‘playPlaylist’, {“name”: rfidEntry[“data”]});

For example, Is there a way with playPlaylist to get it to jump to the second track?

i think you must swap these line.
First the list next random.

Just tried that, it didn’t work :frowning:

Any other ideas?

You want to activate random?
Should the setting not be

Sorry / I pasted the wrong function - it is set as true but doesn’t work