Should i try volumio again?

Hi guys.

I once had a volumio setup, on a raspberry pi and an hifiberry with digital outputs. This was connected to a yamaha amp with decent dac’s and the sound was superb. The sound source back then was all on a 2.5" disc, full of flac’s which i ripped from my cd collection.

I was thinking of going the volumio route again, but this time i want to stream from spotify, in the most lossless way possible (bluetooth or via wifi somehow).

Is this possible with a free account, of would i need to pay for a volumio premium account? I dont want to pay a subscription for enabling a feature on hardware that i own.

For Spotify you just need a free account to install the Spotify plugin.
You can play Spotify native within Volumio or use connect.

Nice, then i have a new hobby project.

I still have the original hardware i installed this on the last time. It is a raspberry pi model B. Is it still sufficient for spotify streaming, or should i upgrade to 4 or 5? It ran volumio smoothly the last time i used it, but that was over 10 years ago.

if you only are using Spotify a rPi3 will do.
a rPi4 or 5 will run smoother, but not mandatory.

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I think ill buy a new pi4 then, and hope and pray that the hifiberry i have is still compatible.

go for the 2 or 4 GB.
Hifiberry is still compatible.

But try first with the rPI3, if you like it, but the rPi4.

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Its actually not an rpi3 i currently have, its a raspberry 1 model b

in priciple it might still run, but veeeeeryyyyyy sloooooooow.
I don’t think the DAC is compatibel, as the rPi1 model B has 26 pins instead of 40 (unless it’s a modelB +). If i recall correctly.

damn it, 26 pins indeed

Ok, i am going to shell out the money for new raspberry and spdif hat. A raspberry 5 with 4Gb doesnt cost much more than a rpi 5 with 4Gb. Is there any reason not to buy the 5? (compatibility?)

No there is no reason to avoid it. i guess the 2nd rPi5 (in your reply) should have been the rPi4 :rofl:

On thing to consider, you also need a DAC-Hat or USB DAC. For the latter Topping has some great ones (D10s) arround 100 Euro.

Wont be using dac. Want to feed digital signal into marantz 6007 which has decent dac.

Euh, the PM6007 has Analog, OPT and Coax as input. How are you going to transfer the audio from the rPi to the PM6007.
You need a HAT, like the Hifiberry Digi+

Didnt i mention that i want to use a hifiberry hat in my first post? Are you confusing dac with hat? There are hifiberry hats with dacs, but also without a dac, and just 2 digital outputs.

So for the sake of clarity, yes, i want to use rpi + hat with digital outputs into amp with dac.

you mentioned it for the rPi1, which doesn’t fit on a rPi5.
So I guess my crystal ball is cloudy, as you didn’t mention to get a new DAC (or HAT) board for the rPi5.

Ok, i am going to shell out the money for new raspberry and spdif hat.


I am actually still going back and forth between buying a Wiim product and going this route …

I can’t help you in this choice.
Guess I don’t need to tell what my choosing will be. (Starts with a V and ends with olumio) :rofl:

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We are on a volumio forum, not much guessing involved :wink: