Sharing/backup/restore playlist's

Hi, is there a way to share/backup restore playlist’s?
I want to backup my playlist’s and share it on mt Volumio players.
All my music is on my NAS.

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Yes, have a look for the Backup & Restore Data plugin. In the UI: Plugins -> Plugins Management -> Search Plugins -> System Tools

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Hi, Thanks for the reply.
But I installed the plugin, but when I click on backup it don’t nothing on my NAS.
I have look in ROOT off my NAS, again nothing.

Did you look in /data/INTERNAL/, too? I think the plugin saves the backup to /data/INTERNAL/volumio_data.tgz

Do you mean on the sd card?

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Yes :slight_smile:

Edit: You can access that location and the backup archive easily via Volumio’s SMB share.


Ok, now to find a way to get acces.

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Aside from accessing Volumio’s SMB share you can also use scp to copy the backup file from one Volumio system (Volumio1) to another (VolumioX).

From a PC or the like you can copy from remote host (Volumio1) to remote host (VolumioX): scp volumio@<IP_of_Volumio1>:/data/INTERNAL/volumio_data.tgz volumio@<IP_of_VolumioX>:/data/INTERNAL/ If the PC runs Windows and you use PuTTY “scp” needs to be substituted by “pscp”.

If you log in to Volumio1 through SSH you should be able to copy the archive file to another Volumio system like this: scp /data/INTERNAL/volumio_data.tgz volumio@<IP_of_VolumioX>:/data/INTERNAL/

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Mmmmm very good idea, thanks.
I will try that out.

If I get to work, I let you know :wink:

Thank you for your time

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