I control Volumio with a remote control for the majority of the time.
I’m use an old iPad as a display for UI. It sits in a dock and whilst there connected to a charger. As it is old and of limited use now I have disabled the auto lock function to have the display running whilst listening.
This means a walk to the iPad to wake it when starting to play music and another walk to send it to sleep when I’ve finished listening.
I was quite happy with this set up until today when I realised…
Wonders of wonders…
that a Bluetooth keyboard can turn the iPad display on and off via the Home key.
This set me thinking, would it be possible, to send whatever the keyboard Bluetooth ‘Home’ command is, from the pi to the iPad whenever ‘play’ or ‘stop’ is pressed - thus saving me at least a five meter walk each listening!
Has anyone gone down this road?