Volumio Information
Volumio Version: 2.917
Hardware: RaspPi 3B
DAC: HifiBerry Digi+ Pro
Debug Log
Steps to Reproduce
- set audio quality for Qobuz at best possible or 24Bit/196kHz
- play music with 196khZ sample rate at Qobuz
- no audio output unless sample rate is reduced to 96kHz
Additional Information
first post here. I just installed Volumio on an old Raspberry Pi 3 B I had unused on the shelf. Bought a Hifiberry Digi+ Pro to have digital output into my amplifier. Now I am trying different streaming services to see which one suits me better.
Two things I noticed so far:
1.) Volumio interface in portrait mode (Android app or on browser on Tablet/Smartphone): does not show the search field when at an individual service when the UI is set to the modern look. It is available at the classic look. Means I have to go to landscape mode every time I want to search something when at a specific service (e.g. Qobuz). Not a big deal, but annoying.
2.) Qobuz does not work for sample rates > 96 kHz. At least with my HIFIBerry Digi+ Pro. When I set the audio quality to 24Bit/96kHz it works, else it stays silent when the music has higher sample rates. Is this a known bug? Amplifier can deal with 192 kHz. I tested both with optical and wired output.
Else great product! Still undecided which service I will use in the future. Everyone has its ups and downs.
Is there already an idea if Spotify HIFI will be supported as basic future or only with a paid subscription? If it will arrive finally.