Search field - let it wait for [enter] key


I noticed that the search for music files immediately fires the search while typing the first few characters.

That might be nice for some use cases, but it has a negative side effect, at least on larger libraries: as soon as the search starts with some incomplete typed input string, it is busy with db query and to process the results. So any new characters typed in will only be executed as a new search with huge delay, as the running search with the incomplete input blocks the new search for some time.

That makes the search function kind of laggy.

Maybe adding an option ‘immediate search on/off’ can let the users decide what is more usable for them.



If I “copy” and Paste the text I am looking for it finds it straight away…thats great.
But if I am typing I only manage the first two or three letters before its off looking. comes back with a load of rubbish before I can enter the next two or three letters…rinse and repeat.

As it is the current search method is really very clunky indeed.
It is as if its trying to be fast, but in doing so drastically slowing itself down.

As my gran used to tell me " less haste more speed"

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Had a delve today into what is going on…

Volumio3 search starts to search after 2 characters have been entered, with only 2 characters the results are endless and sluggish.
I was sure Volumio2 wasnt like this so loaded up an old copy of 2.917 and sure enough V2 waits for 3 characters to be inputted before searching and the results are so much more meaningfull and alot less sluggish.
So until this idea of “waiting for enter” to be considered or even implemented.
You can edit a file in Volumio3 so that it waits for 3 (or however many characters you want before searching) quite easily.
LMK if you want to know more

That sounds like a workaround. Do you know which file to modify and what the parameter is?



@Wheaten didnt want me telling you how. Not really the place in “suggstions” section

Checkout the DIY and Tweaks section


If your start to modify vanilla code and updates fail, we won’t support it besides the instruction to start from scratch.

If you decide to take this route, don’t suggest other people to follow you as we end up with the problems caused by this.

I really doubt that this will cause problems, its just making the search wait for 3 characters input rather than 2. ( Just like in Volumio 2)
If anything it makes the search alot less sluggish as searching for just 2 characters there are soooo many results.

The OP ask, and as Ive already done this this with no issues.

But …you are correct though I should add a disclaimer stating updates may fail, and this really shouldnt be in the suggestion section.