Saluti e richiesta di supporto (Greetings and request for support)

Buongiorno a tutti.
Desidererei mettermi in contatto con qualcuno che possa aiutarmi a compiere una scelta.
Trattandosi di una società italiana speravo di trovare un Telefono per una Assistenza personalizzata. Ma non sono stato capace di trovarne uno.
Desideravo provare l’applicazione Volumi ma non ho trovato traccia di Volumi per Mac OS e quella per iPad non so come funzioni perché no riesce a trovare nessun Device.
Insomma al momento molto frustrato.
Io sarei orientato ad una soluzione che mi permetta di avere tutto in uno, streamed DAC amplificatore e software di gestione.
Ma non so se Volumiio abbia una proposta per me.
Al momento ho un integrato Denon che collego via cavo ottico al mio iMac e uso il servizio Qobuz. Casse W&B 686.
Speravo di potere fare un piccolo passo avanti compatibile con la mia pensione.
Se qualcuno vorrà aiutarmi esprimo fin da ora la mia gratitudine.

[Mod=Wheaten, google translate]

Good morning everyone.
I would like to get in touch with someone who can help me make a choice.
Since it is an Italian company, I was hoping to find a telephone for personalized assistance. But I haven’t been able to find one.
I wanted to try the Volumes application but I couldn’t find any trace of Volumes for Mac OS and the one for iPad, I don’t know how it works because it can’t find any Device.
In short, very frustrated at the moment.
I would be oriented towards a solution that allows me to have everything in one, streamed DAC amplifier and management software.
But I don’t know if Volumiio has a proposal for me.
I currently have a Denon integrated that I connect via optical cable to my iMac and use the Qobuz service. W&B 686 speakers.
I was hoping to be able to make a small step forward compatible with my retirement.
If anyone wants to help me I express my gratitude right now.

Please post in English as only a limited group of members speak Italian. Use google translate.

Good morning everyone.
I would like to get in touch with someone who can help me make a choice.
Since it is an Italian company, I was hoping to find a telephone for personalized assistance. But I haven’t been able to find one.
I wanted to try the Volumes application but I couldn’t find any trace of Volumes for Mac OS and the one for iPad, I don’t know how it works because it can’t find any Device.
In short, very frustrated at the moment.
I would be oriented towards a solution that allows me to have everything in one, streamed DAC amplifier and management software.
But I don’t know if Volumiio has a proposal for me.
I currently have a Denon integrated that I connect via optical cable to my iMac and use the Qobuz service. W&B 686 speakers.
I was hoping to be able to make a small step forward compatible with my retirement.
If anyone wants to help me I express my gratitude right now.

Volumio is a standalone Operating system, not an application to run on your MAC.
You can install the OS on a raspberry pi, X86 computer and there are some community porting’s for other Single Board Computers.

Thank you for answer.
The iPad App how to work?

If I buy Volumio Integro I need a raspberry or x86?

The Integro is an amplifier with Volumio integrated.
You only need to connect loudspreakers.

You can use the iPad as a remote controller for the Integro.

You can also access the interface from Volumio via your MAC and output the audio to your MAC (play here)

So in short:
Primo, you need to add an amplifier and loudspeakers
Rivo, you need to add a DAC, Amplifier and loudspeakers
Integro, you need to add loudspeakers and/or headphone
Motivo, you need to add an amplifier and loudspeakers and/or headphone

All systems have Volumio integrated and all payed features are included.

I hope this answers all your questions.

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Piacere Davide, tech support
Ti invio direttamente una mail al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica con le informazioni richieste.

Un cordiale saluto

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Ehi, conosci l’italiano?


Thank you very much.
Just a little question. If I want to output in Bluetooth with the Highest quality possible at moment what device I can adding to Volumio Integro?

Grazie Davide.

I have a Motivo and tested with the Marmitek BoomBoom 100.
Connected the headphone out to the AUX input and paired it with a BT headphone which did the trick.

Have the Marmitek apyx HD? In Specifics I read only aptx LL.

nope, but the BoomBoom 55 HD does. But I don’t have this one, so couldn’t test.

Thank you.

or BoomBoom 55HD

Both will do the same, the big advantage with Amazon is the no fuzz return policy. So you can order one and test it. If you’re not satisfied it’s easy to return.

One remark though, The Integro has only a headphone output, so make sure that the BT device you order accepts an analog input. (which both have)

Here is another one, (thanks @dvo)

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