Yesterday I added an external one to my equipment; the DAC s.m.s.l. DO300.
I connected it to my DIY RPi 4B streamer, on USB port. My Pi4 already includes HIFI sound card Berry DIGI + pro (for S/P DIF output only), but volumio didn’t recognize the new DAC.
Is there a procedure, a special setting for that DAC? I found some posts in this forum, but without solving the problem.
Then I tried the DAC with fanless MINI PC with standard Windows 11 player and the result is amazing. Indeed I have compared many and same FLAC files, in the same conditions on my YAMAHA RX-V1200 and Infinity Delta n40. The sensation is like turning on the light or pulling a wool cover off my speakers. A really big improvement.
Is it possible that there is no way to connect the new DAC to Volumio?