RPi 3B - forced resampling / downsampling to 48kHz @ HDMI


on my RPi 3B (Volumio 2.368) I see a forced downsampling to 48kHz when I’m playing files containing a higher sampling rate (96kHz, 192 kHz, …).
Files with 44.1 kHz samplingrate are handled “transparently” so the amplifyer on the other side of the HDMI shows 44.1 kHz input rate.

Why does Volumio resample all files with samplingrates above 48kHz?
The actual RPi hardware should be able to play up to 192kHz via HDMI I think.
On an other platform (x86) Volumio does no downsampling as long as the file’s samplingrate is below or equal 192 kHz.

May be there is a configuration trick to solve this? Or is the actual RPi hardware still limiting HDMI to 48 kHz?

Thanks for any information or advice.

Best regards,