Hi, I recently started using Volumio with my Technics amp and some Dali speakers.
I’ve bought a used JDS Labs OL DAC (USB), that is connected to my old receiver via phono and to the RP4 via USB-A with external power.
Issue: I get no sound out at all
Tried: Reflashing to clean installation of Volumio, and upgrading to ver. 3. Rebooting all three devices
Volumio finds the OL DAC and displays everything as if it is working. Tracks also play fine from multiple sources, but there is no sound.
I have confirmed that the inputs on the receiver work with another device… any ideas?
I did have this working briefly when I just received the OL DAC, but now it doesn’t anymore…
Hi Sorry, yes I am half-german But will keep it in english so everyone can understand. I mean normal “cinch” or what we call phono here in Denmark. Probably RCA to the US.
Not sure what happened. I put the OL DAC in a different USB on the rpi and stopped and restarted a few songs and now I get sound output. I also put the startup volume at 100.
Very weird…almost seems to be a bug of some sort.