Rotary Encoder - Seek [SOLVED]

A quick look through the github pages for the rotary encoder shows that SEEK should be a supported detent action, but I do not see it in the dropdown menu in the UI. Before I dig deeper into the source, is this a supported function? What am I missing?

const detentActionType = Object.freeze({ "NO_ACTION": 0, "VOLUME": 1, "PREVNEXT": 2, "SEEK": 3, "SCROLL": 4 }); ... else if(self.config.get('first_encoder_detentActionType') == detentActionType.SEEK) self.executeCommand('seek plus'); ... else if(self.config.get('first_encoder_detentActionType') == detentActionType.SEEK) self.executeCommand('seek minus');

I found the disconnect. Seek/type 3 is not included in

Does anyone know why this is disabled?

Presumably I can just add

 {"label":"Seek","type": 3},

Update: appears to work fine.

Likewise it was fairly trivial to add Prev/Next button actions – in case anyone else is wondering. In my case I have 3 knobs from the original radio chassis to re-implement with RPi & Volumio. Next to try to see if 3 encoders can be supported. :wink: