I’m trying to use Volumio as a Roon Bridge trough the plugin. And it shows up in Roon on my Mac. But when I play something - the track is played - Volumio isn’t playing anything.
Does anyone have a solution to get this to work?
Kind regards,
I’ve found a solution.
The allo digione with volumio, is normally connected to the audio engine d1 through usb. When using volumio normal, this works. It works with UPnP, tidal and airplay. But this doesn’t work with the Roon plug-in solely.
Is this a known problem?
I have an Apple DAC dongle connected to the USB port and the Roon bridge works fine. I had a case where the Roon bridge did not install completely and did not work. Deinstall and reinstall helped. In another case I could not deinstall and had to flash a new card and start again.
Thanks for the answer. I think the problem is that the plug-in is not installed well, as i am not able to delete it because of an erro where it saids it still active, but it isn’t. Is this a known issue?
I had the same issue. Reflush and restart. You need to wait very long for the bridge to install, Volumio freezes during the install and giveS no feedback.