Rivo Plus I2s with Ferrum WANDLA DAC not working

I bought a Rivo Plus today. The connection via USB is working with my Ferrum WANDLA DAC. But over I2S it is not working. I selected HDMI I2S Mode PS Audio because WANDLA DAC is compatible with PS Audio. On WANDLA side i tested with configure PIN 14 as DSD and also Pin 15. But nothing works. What I can do?

SOLVED: I set the output device in Volumio to S/PDIF + AES/EBU + I2S and voila it works! Seems otherwise only USB out is active.

But unfortunately I have dropouts with I2S every few seconds. What I can do?

When I set I2S Input Safe Mode to ON on WANDLA side it works without dropouts. But don’t know what this mode makes different.

the PS-audio setting on Rivo Plus does not provide the PCM/DSD signal on the HDMI port.

you can select LKS to have this signal on Pin14 or Gustard to have this signal on Pin15, and then configure your Wandla DAC accordingly.

For this question, better to ask to Ferrum Wandla support

Thanks I will test with LKS or Gustard settings and in the meantime I opened a ticket at Ferrum regarding the dropouts.

I have a response from Ferrum:
I’ve just checked Volumio Rivo Plys I2S output pinout and it is not compatible with Wandla I2S pinout so I’m surprised that you get any sound from that connection. Unfortunately there is no fixed standards in I2S connector:

Is it possible to support Ferrum Wandla DAC with a firmware update of Rivo Plus?

This is the WANDLA I2S pinout.
I think the problem is Pin 7 and 9 are swapped and also 1 and 3. The other pins looks ok for me.
Can the Volumio team please support FERRUM WANDLA DAC!?


This is the WANDLA I2S pinout.
Pin 1 and 3 and also Pin 7 and 9 are swapped. The other pins looks ok for me.
Can the Volumio team please support FERRUM WANDLA DAC via I2S?

BR Thomas

it’s not possible to swap pin1/3 and pin7/9 on Rivo Plus with a FW update.

anyhow, even if those signals are swapped, the DAC will work and play music just fine (as you tested already)

alternatively, you can use the USB connection between Rivo Plus and Wandla DAC, their USB implementation is top-notch and you will get excellent results

Ferrum can swap it via Firmware update. They will make a 2.0 version before summer and then I can swap. Volumio support is bad!

I also just connected volumio rivo plus via i2s to wandla. I did get clipping, and activated safe mode for now. Glad to hear a solution is on the way from wandla firmware, even if it will take time. I wish volumio could also provide a wandla compatible option.

I have a reply from Volumio support:
The Ferrum Wandla I2S pinout matches the Loxjie option available in the HDMI mode dropdown menu under the Playback Options menu of the Motivo. Please select Loxjie to ensure compatibility.”

But it’s not working drop outs every 10sec.
The safe mode from WANDLA plays music but quality is worse vs USB out so no solution for me.

I also still have clipping after Loxjie selected on Volumio Rivo plus.
The sound stage is larger and sound is smother with i2s compared with USB when I test.
Still i2s have clipping so not very useful. When I do “safe mode” on Ferrum wandla the sound stage is smaller.
I hope Volumio and Ferrum can solve this together. I hope for a fix soon.
i2s cable used is AudioQuest vodka (10% silver) 1 meter
USB cable used is AudioQuest carbon (5% silver) 1 meter

Yes the standard setting with Wandla has dropouts and the safe mode does not sound good vs USB.
I have a ticket open regarding this problem on volumio premium hope they fix it soon.
I believe it’s not the pin layout. When that’s false no sound would playing.