REST API web radio playback command

Hello All

I’m trying to send command to start playback of selected web radio.

For example on my Browse request I’m getting this reply:

{“navigation”:{“lists”:[{“availableListViews”:[“list”],“items”:[{“service”:“webradio”,“type”:“webradio”,“title”:“ANTENA1 | 94,7 FM”,“artist”:"",“album”:"",“uri”:“",“albumart”:"”},…

Then I’m trying to use POST replaceAndPlay + URI which I want to play.

It does work with mp3 files but doesn’t do anything with Webradios or Playlists.

Moreover I’m getting response Success on my command.

Do I need to use some other POST command for playing Webradios and Playlists?

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In my code the following syntax works:
socketIO.emit('replaceAndPlay', {"service": "webradio", "type": "webradio", "title": 'yourTitle', "uri": 'yourUri'})
I think at least “uri” and “service” is important.