REST API Notifications - How to interpret response and how to delete entry

I’m working on a device driver to use Volumio with Hubitat home automation hubs. To this end, I’m attempting to configure the Volumio API to set up notifications that I can parse through and display on a wall tablet dashboard. I have been able to add my hub IP to the notification list, and it shows correctly at
http://volumio.local/api/v1/pushNotificationUrls. I am also capturing the event notifications within the driver.

However, I have two issues to resolve:
Issue 1) How can I delete entries from the notifications list? The documentation here states that to delete, all you have to do is make a request to the same URL that was used to add the notification. However, it’s not clear if this should be a GET, or if I need to send a POST with the same body that I used to subscribe. I tried both ways, and both failed to remove the entry.

Issue 2) The notification POST that I get is unintelligible. Instead of the nicely formatted JSON in the documentation, what I actually get back is something like this. This is obviously encoded somehow, but I don’t know how to convert it to something usable. Ideas would be appreciated.



well, of course as soon as I posted about it, I figured out the notification is base64 encoded. So that’s worked out.

But I still can’t figure out how to remove an entry from the notification URLs.

Still can’t remove a URL from notifications, but conveniently(?) the notification entries are wiped after rebooting the Volumio device. This doesn’t seem like desirable behavior, but it did solve my immediate problem.