ReplayGain support (with configuration on GUI setup - album and track option)

Hi I’m using version v3.703 and I’ve adapted some information (related to older versions) and I got success playing my library using replaygain info (album gain it’s what I’ve choosed):

You must connect to volumio in SSH and do:

$echo ‘replaygain “album”’ >> /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl
$echo ‘replaygain_preamp “0”’ >> /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl
$echo ‘replaygain_limit “yes”’ >> /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/mpd.conf.tmpl

After this reboot volumio and voilá. The mpd.conf.tmpl is applied to the mpd.conf and replaygain just works perfectly.

PS - To check if it’s applied after reboot just do:

$cat /etc/mpd.conf

and in the end of the output one must have:

replaygain “album”
replaygain_preamp “0”
replaygain_limit “yes”

Seems to me that this one would be a relatively easy one to implement in future version of volumio (in GUI configuration of volumio)…
Fellow volumio developers, can you check on this?
Paulo Nunes

Just to warn this will prevent Volumio to update :wink:

By editing mpd.conf.tmpl? Won’t it be replaced upon update?

Anyway I prefer to do a reset, update, and reedit rather than not using replaygain (in my case I use album gain) :slight_smile:

That’s one of the reasons to request this as a volumio official feature. I might be wrong but since MPD supports it, wouldn’t be such a fuss to implement it. But, as I might be wrong.

I believe that’s more people interested in this feature :wink: