What do i have to type in?
it has to be build into volumio … that is not done by low level guys…
that’s why i asked if this is the nomalizer and the other guys are buzy with the 3.xx
to release it when finalized…
Please help me thru this setting to get ReplayGain
any alteration by hand will give you no updates any more…
and if know how i could explane…
I had it working before in Volumio; it was a simple line to type in some configuration but I forgot how to do it. I guess it’s gone with last update. I cannot understand what the probems are. I simply want replay gain work as it did before. All my music have replay gain ‘track’ added.
@Wheaten it seems the links end up on a 404…
I’m sorry, I need more support on how to handle this. As I mentioned; I’m not familiar with programming.
You can configure MPD to turn on replay gain – have a look at https://linux.die.net/man/5/mpd.conf for details.
You should be able to test it with –
echo 'replaygain "track"' > /etc/mpd.conf
systemctl restart mpd
Do note this isn’t a permanent solution. For that you need to go and edit the mpd.conf.tmpl
file over in /volumio/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/
Good luck!
not on my browser (Chrome).
- Press CTRL+F5.
- Raise your right hand
- Pronounce the famous Die Hard sentences
- Hit Enter
then it’s a firefox problem ( pihole)
Are we 100% sure that simply clicking the ‘Volume Normalization’ ‘On’ setting doesn’t just enable Replay Gain from mpd without needing to fiddle with the .conf?
You need to sort this out yourself. I am not going to assist in breaking Volumio. Sorry
According the first link I did share, it was in Volumio. No clue if they just renamed it?
No feedback from @Volumio yet.
Answering my own question … mpd supports “Volume Normalization” as well as Replay Gain tabs … this (the former) is what is toggled on/off with the option in the Volumio UI.
@Wheaten # Die Hard: Yippee Ki Yay M. ( ongolian ) F. (armer) and hit enter
I don’t understand why it still isn’t implemented in Volumio settings. I see this request already in 2014?
All other music players (Roon, Rune audio etc.) have already fixed this. What’s the problem here?
it’s there only combined in volumio normalization switch…
all you do even Replay Gain will influence your music quality
But normalizer will influence my music quality; I don’t want that. I only want ReplayGain
Yippee Ki Yay M. ( islukte ) F. (irefox) and hit enter