I am trying to remove the currently playing song from the queue and playlist. Everything seems to be working great, however the removeFromPlaylist does not actually remove the song from the playlist. I can even add the song to another playlist. I get the feedback in Volumuio UI that shows the song was deleted, however if is not removed from the playlist. Any ideas???
Here is my code:
import requests
from socketIO_client import SocketIO
sio = SocketIO('localhost', 3000)
playlist = "DMTest"
state=requests.get("http://localhost:3000/api/v1/getState", timeout=1.0).json()
N = state.get("position")
U = state.get("uri")
sio.emit("removeFromPlaylist", {"name":playlist,"uri":U}) #DOES NOT WORK
print (U)
sio.emit("removeFromQueue", {"value": N}) #WORKS
sio.emit("addToPlaylist",{"name":"Test","service":"mpd","uri":U}) #WORKS
Additional configuration below if this helps. Updated to Volumio 2.777 and still have the same issue. The Volumio2 UI allows it to be removed manually from the playlist, but the API does not work
Should I move this issue to the “Bugs” group?
OS info
Version of Volumio: 2.777
Hostname: localhost
Kernel: 4.19.86-v7l+
Governor: performance
Uptime: 0 days, 0 Hrs, 21 Minutes, 19 Seconds
Audio info
Hw audio configured: Plantronics Blackwire 320
Mixer type: Hardware
Number of channels:
Supported sample rate:
Board info
Manufacturer: Raspberry Pi Foundation
Model: BCM2835 - Pi 4 Model B
Version: c03111 - Rev. 1.1
Firmware Version: Nov 29 2019 18:44:32 - aabb1fb5c19d80db268aeccd67b9f4e0f3d48a2a
CPU info
Brand: Processor rev 3 (v7l)
Speed: 1.50Mhz
Number of cores: 4
Physical cores: 4
Average load: 16%
Temperature: 57°C
Memory info
Memory: 4044928 Ko
Free: 3218052 Ko
Used: 826876 Ko
Storage info
INTERNAL storage - Size: 55598Mo Used: 545Mo Available: 52191Mo (94%)