RemotePi Board for Pi 3


I installed successfully a “RemotePi Board for Pi 3” from “MSL Digital Solutions” with Volumio2 (a kind of ATX for hardware power on and off included infrared), it also supported shutdown from application by adding a script in /etc, I did it, and it request to include its cmd link at the right place for softstop but it seems things changed in the last Volumio2…

Instructions from “MSL Ditigal Solutions” site are :

"Edit the file player_wrk.php located in /var/www/command/ with
nano /var/www/command/player_wrk.php
Find at or near line 359 the text $cmd = ‘mpc stop && poweroff’; and change it to $cmd = ‘/etc/’;
When you now select Menu, Turn off, Power off from the UI in Volumio, the RemotePi Board will cut the power after the system was shut down. "


But /var/www/command/ doen’t exist anymore :confused: so I think there is another file or location to do that, but I don’t find… :question:

Could a Volumio2 Guru help me ?

Thank You.


The supplier must update their tutorial, since its based on old Volumio image.
Creating a plugin will be the easiest way. … rview.html

Dear michelangelo,

Thank You very much for your answer, I’ll contact their support and suggest them your advices, I let You know, I’ll try also to see if I can work directly with your information…

In any case, big thanks.



I discussed with “MSL Digital Solutions”, a plugin seems very complicated for them and myself also because they have no dev able to do that :ugeek:

In fact the task is to execute the following GPIO sequence before Volumio2 sofware shutdown : Set GPIO 15 high for 125ms, low for 200ms, high for 400ms, low for at least 200ms"

The AIM is when we select Menu, Turn off, Power off from the UI in Volumio2, the RemotePi Board will cut the power after the system was shut down.

It was done with this /etc/ script in Volumio 1.x

echo “$GPIOpin” > /sys/class/gpio/export

execute shutdown sequence on pin

echo “out” > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/direction
echo “1” > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
#usleep 125000
sleep 0.125
echo “0” > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
#usleep 200000
sleep 0.2
echo “1” > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value
#usleep 400000
sleep 0.4
echo “0” > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$GPIOpin/value

chmod +x /etc/
Edit the file player_wrk.php located in /var/www/command/ with nano /var/www/command/player_wrk.php
Find at or near line 359 the text $cmd = ‘mpc stop && poweroff’; and change it to $cmd = ‘/etc/’;

May be it can be simply add in the Volumio2 software shutdown sequence without a plugin dev, but where ?

If someone could help to identify where to put the code just before software shutdown of Volumio2 OR help for the specific plugin creation if there is no other way to do that, That should be very nice :unamused:

I can’t unfortunately do it alone

Thank You


Have you looked at your link … -plus-2015 recently? I just had a quick look, and there is an option there for ‘Volumio 2 RC1 and Newer’ … note that I didn’t read it carefully to see if it made sense :wink:

Yes I did of course but all is fine and it works on my Volumio2/Raspberry3 except the chapter

“Invoke shutdown from program or script” ==> “Please note that this script does not work with Volumio 2.0 and higher anymore, because the Volumio system structure has changed. If you have a solution for Volumio 2.0, please contact us.”

The support page was modified recently folowing my recent discussion with “MSL Digital Solutions”.

There is no working solution for that with Volumio2, only Volumio1 for the case you stop by clicking “STOP” through the UI instead hardware poweroff.


Hello all,

Just for information, there is now an howto on the offical board site … -plus-2015, it’s running fine.

Thank You for Volumio and Your help.



I have created a plugin for the RemotePi board. If interested have a look in the Volumio 2 Plugins Collection and find the source and the zip file on github.

Thanks a lot for the plugin, @gvolt! Works perfectly. (Only the IR remote control plugin refuses updating and needs a ‘Save settings’ each time to work, but that’s a separate issue I already had before.)

Thanks ROLO,

nice to see the plugin is helpful.

Regarding the IR Remote Controller plugin I would recommend to install the latest version from github. That works flawlessly here. But make sure the previous version is removed completely as the plugin category has been changed.

P.S.: I already opened an issue on github.

Thanks, installing the new version of the IR Remote plugin by hand did the trick! Let’s hope they’ll solve the plugin version issues quickly.
