RBi5 upgrade and flac files above 24/44 not playing

Reviving an old project. Thought I would try a new RBi and see if I could do a simple upgrade. Before everything was working. I could play all my flac’s up to 24/192, MP3’s etc. which my dac hat supports. System wasn’t to slow but a faster system fresh rate was welcomed.
Now 24/88, 24/96 and 24/192 flac files play but it sounds like it’s on half speed. Same settings and don’t know what to do. Have tried searching but can’t find any answers. Am barely able to keep my head above water with this project but completely uncomfortable messing in the terminal to problem solving.

Old system was: Raspberry pi 3B 1GB ram → Allo Kali reclocker → Collybias Mamboberry HD DAC+ hat. System is powered by iFi power wall wart into the Kali, QNAP NAS has minimServer and rca cables into integrated amplifier

Upgrade is Raspberry pi 5 8GB powered by Raspberry’s official power supply and otherwise the same as above

Hope that’s all clear. Anybody able to help or point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance

What version of Volumio ?
Please post the content of /boot/config.txt
Pi 5 may have issue with DAC HAT,
HiFiBerry sound cards on the Pi5 | HiFiBerry
may need to add


to config.txt

also check if any duplicate line in the config.txt
such as dtoverlay=xxxxxx ( xxxxxx is your dac driver overlay )

Hope this help.

Volumio version is 3.703

I read that article but that’s starting to put me a little out of my depth. Also in the /boot/config.txt tried doing some searches like you suggest but don’t really know what I’m looking for. Sorry a bit useless here.

Is this what you need?


Sorry I am not able to anaylsis the log file.
You can use filezilla to connect to Volumio and read /boot/config.txt,
or you can just put the microSD card to PC and read the config.txt,
and check if any duplicate line, and try add a line

OK here you go, this is the config.txt



initramfs volumio.initrd
include volumioconfig.txt
include userconfig.txt

Volumio i2s setting below: do not alter


Thanks for your patience

You can try change the DAC Model to BassFly uHAT with I2S Mic

It seems Kernel related, you may update to Volumio v.3.733 and choose HifiBerry DAC.
Audio playback is slow with hifiberry dac on Pi5 - Help and Support - Volumio Community


Ok, was able to try your suggestion. Changing the DAC model worked. Can play all my higher rate flac’s. I don’t know if it’s my imagination but sounds a but thin but thankful everythings working. Will keep listening.

Tried updating and but not letting me me update past 3.703. Will keep trying and also revert the DAC selection to see if that fixes the issue.

Much appreciated for your help

Please disable all installed plugins, reboot and try to update again.

It seems not allowed to update from 3.703, I just flash a 3.703 image and try update to 3.733 but failed, then I flashed 3.661 and update to 3.733 succeed.

Just spent a hour looking for previous versions. Where can I find a download link?

Thanks for all the follow up help

I kept one copy of 3.661 in the google drive