I read that this combination works together and I orderd it.
USB output on Raspi works fine, SP/DIF on Hifiberry no.
Which settings do I need for Digi+Pro?
Here my settingsi:
Audio output
Output device: Hifiberry Digi (Digi+ Pro is not possibile to set)
12SDAC: on
DAC Model: Hifiberry Digi (Digi+ Pro is not possibile to set)
Playback options
DSD playback mode: DSD direct
DSD auto volume: off
Volume normalisation: off
Audio buffer: 8 MB
Buffer before play: 10%
Persisient qeue: on
Volume options
Mixer: none
Mixer control: none
Default volume: disabeld
Max. volume. 100%
One click steps: 10
Volume curve: natural
MPD clients control: off
Can anybody confirm that this combination works together?
May be that my settings are wrong. How do I have to change them?
Can anybody help me?