Raspbery Pi 3B+ display problem 7.9

Hello, I installed Volumio on Raspbery Pi 3B+, but I can’t get the 7.9 (1280x400) Wisecooco display to work.
I added such an entry in /boot/userconfig.txt

hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3

but the display is unreadable, you can see some colors but everything

please provide an exact link to the screen you have.

This is the one



Any idea, as I can’t find nothing use full for this screen.

I checked now with Raspbian OS and it works, you just need to change the orientation

Please try adding


to “/boot/userconfig.txt”.

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Moments after launching, the mouse cursor showed up, after a long time the GUI graphics appeared, but in a while the screen went black again, and so every now and then it appears and disappears. I don’t know if I should connect a 5V 2A power supply to the display panel under the micro usb, or if I should connect to the USB port on the Raspbery pi 3b+
Maybe the voltage is too low.

How long did it take?

Does this happen at regular intervals or randomly?

Could be. I would try powering the display directly.

please post a log, it will tell if there is undervoltage.

I think the intervals are not regular and it takes about 30-40 s. But if the display is not paired after USB from Raspbery, will the display touch work?

I would say just try it out. :wink:

Where can I find the log?

click on the link I gave in my previous post.

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After connecting power to the display is fine, only what about the touch, on what principle is it supposed to work? :shushing_face:

I can’t see any direct information on that from the link you posted above, but I suspect touch requires a USB connection to the Pi. You may try a stronger power supply on the Pi.

P.S. Did you receive documentation with the display?

Unfortunately, no documentation is included, but it looks like it is not touchscreen.

Ah, okay. So the issue is resolved?

Not really, because it still fades the image, I still have to test the settings

From your post above, I was under the impression that the display works fine.

What does “fade” mean in this context? Does the screen still turn black or do the colors fade or …?

The image disappears completely and a black screen appears.