Raspberry Pi3 - Unstable

Hello, I am new here and new to Volumio.

I recently set up a Raspberry Pi3 with HifiBerry DAC2 HD. Initial set up was surprisingly easy and sounds great (when it works). I am using the free version of Volumio right now. Not sure if I’ll upgrade or not. Mostly waiting to see if I can get this thing to work reliably.

It seems upon initial set up I can connect to the network and select a radio station and it plays…wonderfully I might at. If I leave it along and don’t try to change channels or change to any other file sources it works great. However, I’m noticing that if I attempt to change to a different radio channel or audio source the unit stops playing sound all together. I can still seemingly navigate the screens but I’m unable to get anything to play. I have tried shutting down and restarting but the problem persists. The only way to recover and get it to play music again is to reformat the drive and re-os and reload the plug ins and start all over again.

Any thoughts? Please be gentle. As I mentioned, I’m new to this. Thank you.

Just a thought, and probably nothing to do with your problem - but did you check that the volume had not decided to jump to zero? This has happened to me before and I’ve spent many a minute trying all sorts - only to realise that the Volumio volume needed to be turned up

I did consider that and unfortunately no. What I have noticed is if I go into network settings while it’s in this “locked up” and make any change and put it back then hit save, the network connection will reset and then start working again.

I have the same layout and discovered that I needed to put a USB WIFI card in to get a stable connection. It seems to have something to do with the HiFiBerry clock chip being too close to the on board WIFI chip on the Pi3. I suspect it would have the same issue with the PI4.

I’ve considered putting in something to lift the DAC higher/further away from the PI3 but haven’t tried that yet. Mostly out of sheer laziness…

Anyway. Good luck. And it nothing else works, try a different SD card. This seems to be the Raspberry PI version of “have you tried powering it off and on again?”.

I thank you very much. That’s an interesting thought. I am running this wireless. I’ll give this a try.

I’ve had the same exact issue with a pi3 and a hifi berry. I assumed my hifi berry went bad but looking at this I don’t think so. I’m wired to Ethernet so that can’t be my issue. I pulled off my hifi berry and now it works fine with the headphone Jack. Although the volume does sometimes randomly reduce. Definitely some bug is there! I’d love to put my hifi berry back on so hopefully this gets fixed!