Raspberry PI 2 + DAC hifiberry + LCD Andy PI does not work

Hi there,

I’m using this config :

Raspberry PI 2 (latest model)
Volumio 1.55
Hifiberry DAC
LCD HD 44780 from andy pi.

This configuration is not working for the LCD screen.

I’ve tested it with and without my hifiberry DAC.

The rest is working great.

I’ve tested the exact same config with the Raspberry model B from one colleague and everything is working fine…

I have no idea !

Can you help me ?



Oh I see that you made step forward! So the problem would come from the RPI2 ? Have you some message during installation or when booting the system / lcdproc etc…
Have you try to sudo apt-get update / upgrade ( careful, may possibly broke everything … :confused: )

Yes, some work in progress :smiley:

Thanks anyway for your previous help !

I’m already glad to see that my LCD is fully functional, actually the result is exactly what I expected !

I’m following the full andy pi procedure : andypi.co.uk/?p=334

So I do a sudo apt-get update

I’ve tested many things but not sure to have tested a sudo apt-get upgrade . I’ve read that it is not good to do such upgrade as it makes the volumio crashes.

But I can try it also !

We are many here at the office (geek company) to have raspberry’s so I will test an other raspberry PI 2 to be sure that the problem does not come from my unit. But most of the stuff I do with it is fully functional (Kodi for instance) so not sure that my problem is coming from it

Still looking !

So I can confirm you that there is an hardware difference between the new Raspberry 2 and the previous one : raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt … +2#p723632

But even if I’m following this new procedure, it is not working for me, but I’m sure I’m close to it.

not really easy at the end !

I’ve received my raspberry B+ and everything is working fine now : dropbox.com/sh/5anpuzjd3j0v … LghGa?dl=0

So the RPI 2 is not functional with lcdproc yet.

Hoping that they will update soon.

I’ll use my RPI 2 for Kodi.

I can now continue my volumio project.


I also did not work display, but I solved this problem


But I have RPI B

txs sollar for your comment but as I was saying it is working fine with RPI B+ but not with RPI 2.

write to the developer lcdproc program :slight_smile:

that’s indeed the best idea

I have a new problem :wink:

In this configuration : RPI B+ + HIFIBERRY + WIFI dongle : it is working fine

In this configuration : RPI B+ + HIFIBERRY + WiFI dongle + LCD HD44780 4bits : Sound is really stuttering, it seems that it is playing slower.

If I connect through a ethernet cable, it is all working fine.

Wifi dongle is EDIMAX EW-7811Un

I think you need new and more powerful power suply. Min. 2000ma

I welcome everyone !

Solved the problem with the launch of LCD from Andy PI and lcdproc ?
Or still not?
I also want to run LCD 20x4 on my Raspberry Pi3 B+.

Who launched - answer me, PLEASE :slight_smile: !!!