Radio Station Names


I have a 2 line LCD screen on my set up and it displays music files names fine, but on web radio is set as unknown, the Artist and Song title are shown but the station name is not. Does anyone know how to add the names?

I am using the set up from here :

Thanks in advance.

nice to read that you have also add a LCD to volumio.
I am working with a 16x2 LCD and did like you with AndyPi.

If I use the webradio stations that comes with volumio the first row shows “unknown” and the second row shows Artist - title in flow.

Did you try radio stations with m3u playlists (instead of pls) like this:
#EXTINF:-1,Sample artist - Sample title
#EXTINF:-1,Example Artist - Example title

Maybe m3u will show more informations on the LCD.
Second try: replace “Sample artist - Sample title” with the station name.


Hi Tobbes,

I tried your solution and it still comes up unknown, but changing the MPDLCD.conf from artist to name, makes the radio station name appear. Though this then makes another issue if you listen to you music collection through Volumio as no artist is now displayed. I am searching for a way to add an artist tag on the m3u file but none seem to work thus far.


update, I have found that within command line entering this code mpc playlist -f “[%name%][%artist%]” displays what I require, basically it shows either the artist name or the station name, but leaves this blank if there is no tag. It works, but when listening to my tracks the artist and track name now show as one work, so its getting closer to a fix but not there just yet.

Okay, I tried “file” and “name” a lot of other commands but I did not find a good solution.

This is my mpdlcd.conf:

pattern2 = {song format="%(artist)s - %(name)s",speed=4} {elapsed}
{song format="%(title)s",speed=4} {state}


If it helps, I’ve just solved it by modifying this file


in lines 157 to 162 change:

156 class MPDSong(object): 157 BASE_TAGS = ( 158 SongTag('artist', u"<Unknown>", 'albumartist', 'composer', 'performer'), 159 SongTag('title', u"<Unknown>", 'name'), 160 SongTag('name', u"<Unknown>", 'title'), 161 SongTag('time', u"--:--"), 162 SongTag('file', u"<Unknown>"),


156 class MPDSong(object): 157 BASE_TAGS = ( 158 SongTag('artist', "", 'albumartist', 'composer', 'performer'), 159 SongTag('title', " ", 'name'), 160 SongTag('name', "", 'title'), 161 SongTag('time', u"--:--"), 162 SongTag('file', ""),

Restart mdplcd. Done!

The solution is to add ‘name’ to the list of aternatives for ‘artist’:

156 class MPDSong(object):
157     BASE_TAGS = (
158         SongTag('artist', u"<Unknown>", 'albumartist', 'composer', 'performer', 'name'),
159         SongTag('title', u"<Unknown>", 'name'),
160         SongTag('name', u"<Unknown>", 'title'),
161         SongTag('time', u"--:--"),
162         SongTag('file', u"<Unknown>"),
