Query regarding MyVolumio support for community ports


I plan to provide community support for Khadas boards for volumio images. I have already built images for VIM1S/3/3L/4 devices based on 5.15 vendor kernel and am working on to iron out some bugs. One feature request I got was to add MyVolumio support.

I see some community images here like the one for Orange Pi PC has MyVolumio support while other images like the one for Odroid N2 doesn’t. What is the process to add MyVolumio support to custom built images? Are there any requirements like licensing and such that needs to be fulfilled to be able to add MyVolumio support to custom built images?

Thanks & Regards

to have myvolumio included, the image must be built from the official build server.

you can send a PR to the volumio3-os git repo, adding the new recipes, but please solve all the remaining bugs before submitting them.

after checking and merging the PR, the image can be built from the official build server and the download link can pe posted here on the forum

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