I have seen that there’s a plug-in “in development”. But are we likely to see any movement in me being able to use my Qubuz account through my Volumio? (and not via my iPhone/MAC)…
Any idea why we are waiting? Is there something the community can assist with? Like signing a petition or something like that? To show Qobuz that Volumio support is really appriciated by its users?
Simply because they don’t reply to our mails.
But don’t worry, we’ve found another way, and we’re working on it. No ETA yet, but rest assured we are working hard to get ALL streaming services working on Volumio
I’m not convinced that it will make much difference if Qobuz don’t have the courtesy to even answer emails, but I’ve added my vote anyway … 3 votes now.
Regarding playing qobuz from volumio I have observed that my Playlist are loaded super fast but if I click on qobuz Playlist it takes time to load… This is ok or it will be fixed? I am the phone…