Volumio Version: 3.198
Hardware: raspberry pi 4
When you play a song from Qobuz, the little logo pops up when the song starts but immediately disappears from the playback screen. See pic below. When you reveal the DEV version you see that the Qobuz name is missing from the player state. But how to fix?
I have two versions of Volumio, both on Pi4b, and the bug persists on both. Te bug also persisted on all versions of Volumio. Are other Qobuz users getting the same experience?
Note that every other type of file continues to appear including Tidal, Flac, mp4 etc and the songs themselves load and play properly.
So I tried the solution. I got a new card, reformatted the card, downloaded a fresh Volumio file, flashed it to the card and set everything up, but no difference, ie, no Qobuz logo when song is playing. Very weird.
Not yet, I have been unable able to resolve this issue however when the next release comes out, I am going to install as a fresh install with a direct connects to the Pi, rather than wireless. When I did this with the touch screen plugin, it worked better by expanding to the full resolution of the HD TV.
Tried the above to no avail, I also tried factory reset and that does not work. Note that mConnect Qobuz to Volumio works although it shows the FLAC logo instead of Qobuz logo.
@volumio can you guys look at this sometime? it must be a Volumio issue. I have been superstar subscriber for over a year and have been a big supporter.
I know its small but we like seeing the logo come up!
The problem was exactly the same for me.
Maybe this hint will help:…?
Completely remove (unregister) your streamer in MyVolumio and factory reset your Volumio or re-flash the SD card.
Then register Volumio again in MyVolumio.
It must be a small problem, because the error did not occur again for me.
@volumio above said it was fixed but what does that mean? Perhaps the fix is in the next release? or should it be fixed, because it is not. I rebooted, logged out of Qobuz etc., and I believe I tried @rost21A solution. I have refreshed, I have factory reset but nothing fixes it.
Just to be safe…
I didn’t mean unsubscribe from Qobuz, but rather unsubscribe from MyVolumio and then also remove the device from the MyVolumio website.