Qobuz login from Volumio is not working since yesterday (2019-09-20). It seems that initially there were some issues with Qobuz yesterday and then I tried to logout and then login in to Qobuz in Volumio. The issues on the Qobuz side seem to be resolved now. Nevertheless, I cannot login to Qobuz from Volumio. The following can be seen in the logs:
Sep 21 06:35:14 volumio volumio-streaming-daemon[1211]: qobuz.com/api.json/0.2/user/login?app_id=….
Sep 21 06:35:14 volumio volumio-streaming-daemon[1211]: {“status”:“error”,“code”:400,“message”:“Invalid or missing app_id parameter”}
I guess it should be possible to reproduce the issue by logging out and then logging in to Qobuz.
Same issue here. I can’t use Qobuz since Friday. Whatever I selected in the Qbuz plugin, it did not return anything (Best Sellers, New Releases, etc.).
Log in does not work after log out (RPI3 with Volumio OS 2.609).
So I am having issues with Quobuz as well. I run Volumino music management software and evidently they did an “update to freshen the look of the UI”. In any event it wasn’t a choice to update, it did it automatically. Quobuz showed as an option, but nothing will load or operate. I signed in/out of both Volumino and Quobuz so passwords are not a problem. Then I signed out of Quobuz on the Volumino app, and it will not allow me to sign back into the Quobuz service via Volumino; it won’t accept my (verified correct) username and password. Quboz can be accessed fine on my phone, so I know the problem is with the Volumino update. Anyone have ideas? This is my day off and the wife is traveling so I would like some loud streamed music today lol!!