I’m a complete newbie to all this.
I’m making a music server/streamer and considering Volumio to run Qobuz, but there seems to be two ways of doing it.
1). A plug in for the Free version.
2). Native as part of MyVolumio Virtuoso.
That doesn’t mean much to me, could someone explain the difference between the two types of interface?
Is it that the plug in is a clunky method of accessing Qobuz and Native looks more like their own slick app that I use on my Windows Laptop?
What can you do on one that you can’t do on the other.
I’m still sorting my system hardware, the NAS case arrived today.
I intend buying a Pi4 and I’m just checking up on Volumio options/features before diving in.
Ok thanks, so to use Qobuz I have to subscribe to MyVolumio Virtuoso as a minimum?
This really needs spelling out in the blurb for us noobies. The opening pages and description show Qobuz and Tidal logos, so I presumed they could be used with the free version of Volumio. The later description of upgrading to MyVolumio mentions Native integration of Qobuz, the natural assumption is that this is a better way of accessing Qobuz. It might be worth addressing this, as from the chat about it, I’m not the only one to misunderstand the situation.
For those new to Music Servers, SBC’s, NAS and Linux, there is a lot to take in, spending time chasing this red herring just leads to frustration and ultimately a negative feeling about Volumio before you even get it working, a situation which could be avoided.
There is talk of a Qobuz plugin for Volumio if you Google it, but your saying all this chat refers to the same “volumioqobuz” plugin that never worked anyway?
And this is the one in the repo, github repository?
This is all new to me so I’m playing catch up with the terminology.
This post might help others grasp the situation better.
I think a sensible approach, will be to start with the free version, get my system set up and working properly, then add MyVolumio and Qobuz as a second stage.