QOBUZ connecting Volumio

I just left Tidal and turned to Qobuz. I opened Qobuz app on Windows to play test tracks. To my surprise Qobuz connected to my Volumio (on RPi/Allo Boss) and played track through it to my speakers. But it did that just once. “Audio output” on Qobuz app is scrolling but does not contact Volumio any more. Why did it contact at first and did not after that? My router is changing IP address for Volumio every now and then. But I can’t see on Qobuz any chance to give address.

What is your precise hardware.

  • rPixxx?
  • Android or iOS based phone?
  • Volumio version and don’t say the latest
  • Post your log when it happens.
  • Configure your router for a fixed ip.
  • Rpi is wireless or wired connected to the network?

RPi 3/Allo Boss 1.2, wired/Ethernet to router, Volumio 3.569
Qobuz app on Windows.