Qobuz alphabetical?

And YES! It is easier to sort books, vinyl, CD’s and music files/artists etc. in alphabetical order. People have done it that way for ages :wink:

Just look at Your example with the M. You get both first names and last names in one big mess. Not very structured. Therefore it is easier to find the artists when they are sorted in alphabetical order. Bulletproof!

I’m reading what Your writing. But I have to say that it is possible for Lumin and Innuos Sense to manage alphabetically. So it is possible if there is a will to do it :wink:

The best solution is called Qobuz Connect (they are a little late to the party), but it seems by posts on Qobuz own forum that its been delayed to next year. Volumio has indicated in other posts that they have been in contact with Qobuz to register their interest, so they can implement it as soon as it is made available to them.

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I don’t have Tidal. It’s a long time since I subscribed it. But I can see if You use Tidal in Volumio the option to choose between date and alphabetical is possible!?

This is the same option that I would wish for when using Qobuz in Volumio. So why not have the same option in Qobuz as in Tidal?


Read the reply that Volumio gave you.

Guys, let’s calm down.

His request is legitimate. And I have already replied to that.

Let’s keep this conversation constructive…


I have bought a product from Volumio and is simply addressing an option that can be found in other apps like Innuos Sense and Lumin. Sorry I’m just surprised that it ain’t an option in Volumio and feel it should. It is a downgrade from what I have had earlier.

BTW it’s my very first day with Volumio and the Rivo. Was unlucky to receive a faulty one but decided to give it one more chance. So this just feels like yet another bump. Sorry. I’m just disappointed and surprised and have pointed it out.

Your condescending attitude is way out of line! :-1:

@DENMARK one thing that sets Volumio apart from other solution is that this is also a participated community, when everybody is welcome to contribute with feedbacks, ideas, suggestions. Sometimes some of us are very passionate about it.

I however agree that some of the replies you received were a little bit above the top.

Re the alphabetic sorting, as I explained earlier, it is something that has just been added to our TODO list after your suggestion. But we can’t promise if and when this will happen, as we have a huge amounts of suggestions and requests and we have to prioritize them.

The way we prioritize new things to add to the platform are based mainly on 2 aspects: how many people demand it (and how many people are impacted) vs technical difficulty. For the sake of transparency this request is low demand but also low technical difficulty.

Thanks for suggesting how we can improve. But ultimately it’s your choice if Volumio is right or not for you, all we can do is being honest and transparent when we receive such feedbacks.

Hi Volumio

Thank You for a respectful and constructive answer to my personal demands and wishes. It makes sense. I just have to get used to living without it until it (hopefully) is an option in the future? Sound wise I love the Rivo. And Yes it is better sounding than the Innuos PULSEmini that I had before. It’s the most important part after all :wink:

Regarding the tone I’m fortunately not that delicate. So I live with it. Some communicate differently behind a screen than in real life. Thats a part of the internet. But the best way to communicate is in a respectful and good tone. Even if one thinks it irrelevant, annoying or just disagree.

Thanks again for Your kind answer and assistance Volumio :slightly_smiling_face:

A lot of the community members does not have English as their first language, so sometimes there is also more about the wording than anything else.

So glad to hear this. First that your unit is working and then that you love it.

Welcome also to this community!

PS: I shall also say that despite the initial exchange you’ve had with him, wheaten is among the most helpful, passionate and constructive member here, so I think that over time you’ll see that.

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+1 on that

I have no hard feelings about Wheaten and have no doubts about his contribution to this community (have been reading some of the other posts in here) Positive vibes! Let’s move on :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I would also like to see the ability to display artist/album in alphabetical order.

At the moment Qobuz is sorted by Title instead of Date added?
Where is that coming from??

I would look to choose by artist as many others -)\

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Since the new release with sorting is not ready yet, we restored the original sorting of QOBUZ and TIDAL.

We will restore the new ordering shortly before releasing the new update.

What is the point of having 3 options if the sorting defaults to date added?

This option is now available in Volumio!
In Qobuze tab, go in album and top left, there is small menu