Qobuz alphabetical?

A lot of the community members does not have English as their first language, so sometimes there is also more about the wording than anything else.

So glad to hear this. First that your unit is working and then that you love it.

Welcome also to this community!

PS: I shall also say that despite the initial exchange you’ve had with him, wheaten is among the most helpful, passionate and constructive member here, so I think that over time you’ll see that.

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+1 on that

I have no hard feelings about Wheaten and have no doubts about his contribution to this community (have been reading some of the other posts in here) Positive vibes! Let’s move on :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I would also like to see the ability to display artist/album in alphabetical order.

At the moment Qobuz is sorted by Title instead of Date added?
Where is that coming from??

I would look to choose by artist as many others -)\

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Since the new release with sorting is not ready yet, we restored the original sorting of QOBUZ and TIDAL.

We will restore the new ordering shortly before releasing the new update.