Hi folks
I have ordered an Adafruit 20x4 LCD and hope to show track names, etc.
I have been running Volumio 1.5 with Hifiberry Digi very successfully on my Model B but when I try to add Python and GPIO libraries I am unable to connect to Volumio through Volumio.home or local web address.
After 2 days of following different ordered instructions on the web to install these components, some abort and some seem to go OK, but at the end I always can’t run Volumio.
Can anyone suggest definitive steps to get me a stable installation? This is driving me MAAAD
Installing rpi.gpio using apt-get also performs some upgrades these break volumio.
So when you install anything make sure there arn’t any packages being upgrades.
Rpi.gpio can be installed without apt-get.
This is explained here: gpio-pins-control-volume-t2219.html
Please take a look in that thread for more information and a good base to start, its sticky on purpose.
Thanks MobeyDuck, I got RPi.GPIO installed per your screendump and Volumio iss still working over network from web interface.
I have now also installed the Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code and my next step is per:-