Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster

I think only reinstallation will help.

A quick question… The MPD OLED plugin causes major sluggishness of the whole system when used with PeppyMeter plugin. Am I expecting too much from my poor little Pi3B? Would a Pi4 cope better?

I don’t think it has to do with peppymeter I have the same problem here but with the pi 3b and pi 4 and then installed without peppymeter.

so probably something with the MPD oled plugin.

otherwise try MPD plugin version 1.0.8 and check.

Dear, Gelo5! )
I have artifacts on the arrows below.

I would like to remove the album cover.
Instead of inscriptions (WIDE RANGE SCALE-PEAK POWER METER) insert a left running period “Title info”. Something similar in skin g700 for 1920х480…

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Change the graphic, add a new item in meters.txt
When I have time - I will do the subtitles. Now you only have without the cover and without the “WIDE RANGE SCALE-PEAK POWER METER”. Artifacts removed (I think?) (224.2 KB)

Yes, it’s work correctly. Thank you)

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I love the changes. I was debating on adding the cover art or not. I did another one in black. I may do cover art on that one.

Do whatever you think. I don’t use this resolution, but others will be happy to use it. 🙋

There is no sense in the cover. It is so small that it looks like a colored spot. The whole point is in the purity of the Technics.

  • arrows
  • bit depth
  • sample rate
  • file type
  • title-info line running only to the left around
  • black version
  • warm or sepia version (why? because the screen backlight is too cold ~6500K)
    All of we need ))))))

What do you mean?

looking for an example…

sorry, today is a holiday :slight_smile:

Seriously, when moving left-right, left-right, left-right, an unpleasant parallax effect is created.

Right here, on this skin - there’s only 360px space. How would you like to fit a long text? The only option is to make the font smaller (and it’s still small). There is plenty of space for text at the top of the skin.
You can not have everything.

Is it possible to rotate text only to the left, in a circle ???


it should be possible that is how a normal marquee works :slight_smile:
if you don’t want the movement just create a bigger box so it doesn’t have to move :stuck_out_tongue:

Not necessarily, in this case the meters will be disturbing. They will cause artifacts🤪 max.360px

Various things can be done🍻

the vinyl player is really cool

Oke i don’t know the limits of peppy it should be able to do full screen.
If it’s just JS running the show :slight_smile: but peppy can have it’s limits.
360px is very small if you run a 4k monitor lol

No no. You did not understand. We’re talking about a specific Technics skin (1280x400).

Oke i get it :slight_smile: