Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

This is a really strange phenomenon. Do you have “WIDE” and a skin (PeppyMeter) set? IT MUST WORK! Maybe try to connect another monitor (e.g. TV). Insert on the forum as .ZIP file meters.txt from WIDE resolution (yours). Maybe you need to modify the userconfig or config.txt file? Provide a link to your monitor.

I reinstalled the system. On another hickey and another 1280x600 display, Peppy Meter appeared. !!! Now I clean my raspberry to 0 and play Volumio again. If Peppy doesn’t start on my 1280x400 display, does it mean the fault is on the display side?

You have Waveshare 1280x400 display ?

No (I think so), since it displays volumio - it’s good.
Maybe you need to modify config.txt / userconfog.thx for your monitor

hdmi_timings=400 0 100 10 140 1280 10 20 20 2 0 0 0 60 0 43000000 3

Extend the card that is playing on the new monitor and check


A trivial solution - I changed the HDMI micr cable and the image appeared and the indicators also appeared. Without messing with config.txt THANK YOU ALL FOR HELP !!! Just an auxiliary question - where to put other indicators (in what location)?

Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster - #738 by Gelo5?


1280x400 = WIDE

I deleted the meters.txt text file by tinkering with skins and now Volumio cannot see the original indicator skins! Can you put the original file in the “wide” folder for replacement?

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Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster - #738 by Gelo5?

I decided to throw other Peppa skins in the directory “/ data / plugins / miscellanea / peppy_screensaver / peppymeter” I threw all the contents of the directory you gave in the post (unpacked of course). I select this directory in the plugin and the indicators do not appear? Should I edit any more post?

I decided to throw other Peppa skins in the directory “/ data / plugins / miscellanea / peppy_screensaver / peppymeter”

Upload to:

You can choose from 3 options:
1.Only Original
2.Only mine
3.Original + mine
You copy everything (graphics + meters.txt) 1 or 2 or 3

At the bottom of this post
Project with PeppyMeter Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO v2.9xx and 3.0xx buster - #738 by Gelo5?

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What about a Fusion DSP plugin?

people want good sound in the first place, after that comes eye sugar :slight_smile:

What is there to be? Fusion DSP thread is here:

We all love beer first, wife second and then comes the dog sugar!

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Let your wife read it

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at least DVO puts her 2nd…

one user has found this out, but here 3 have tested it, the creator of the fix, another user where volumio crashes after a few songs, and with me where then no sound comes at all.

Only @2aCD can help (It’s his project). Write to him