Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

Yes. All ok.

Hi again! Are these corrections something that needs to updated for other resolutions too? Have nice evening!
Regards/ C

No, these are cosmetic fixes for 1920x1080 resolution. I will do the same for other resolutions, but in my spare time.

And now for something new, because it gets boring :slight_smile:

ONLY FOR 1920x1080
1920x1080 (2.0 MB)


hi gelo5,

seems the rotation point is a bit high, as the angle between VU meter and needle are different :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’ll correct it in my free time. It’s good that you noticed.
You have a good eye :clap:

I had some time today so I did a brand new installation to my TBS, everything went well. The skins look beautiful but the file type or logo (Tidal, Spotify, Qobuz) shows as plain text.

On Raspberry Pi 4 everything looks as it should be.

New 1920x1080 (Old, Merc) (4.7 MB)

Have fun


Hi Gelo5!
Is there any chance to have “Old” scaled down to 800x480? It´s really nice and I think it will fit a smaller screen very well. Your skins are really great! :smiley:

Hi. Thank you for replying.
I did a fresh install and I got the same error:
Failed to open “alsa” (alsa);
Error opening ALSA device “volumio”;
snd_pcm_hw_params_set_period_time_near() failed: Invalid argument”

Then I changed “Mixer Type” to “Software” as per your suggestion and now it works!
(“None” does not work for me)
I still get that error popup, but it works, so fine with me :slight_smile:
Thank you very much for pointing me to it. Much appreciated.

Time to get some nice box to fit it all in with the Wabeshare 7.9" screen…

PS: shame about Spotify plugin problem. I hope it gets fixed soon.

Hi. I just realised that “Software” mixer impacts the sound quality… Any suggestions what to try next?

BTW: External DAC is Topping D10s and I was able to select that as the output so I guess the driver is already built in. And as I mentioned before, it works fine with the PeppyMeter plugin deactivated.

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Hi, change Alsa to this setting, I have topping E50 and works well.

Hi. Thanks for sharing.
Yes that has solved my problem. Very happy PeppyMeter user here :slight_smile:

Thanks you very much!

No problem, glad it’s all working :+1:

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Catch: (614.3 KB)

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Thank you very much! This skin look fantastic on my display. You are the master of skins! :smiley: :sunglasses:
Best Regards// Claes


I corrected all the counters with a needle for the resolution of 1024x600. 2 new skins have been added (1.3 MB)

corrected all the counters with a needle for 1280x800 (2 new skin too + 2x needle to overwrite) (1.8 MB)


Thanks again Gelo5. They look great; however, the type of file still shows as text on my TBS.

Correct: (621.8 KB)

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Here’s with the latest “” file.

Have you also uploaded new graphics?bgr and fgr

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