Project with PeppyMeter/PeppySpectrum Screensaver Plugin for VOLUMIO

EDIT: oh, i see it now in the -ext files. now i’ve just gotta figure out how to apply this.

@2aCD how did you get the nice borders surrounding your meters? as well as getting the album art and info to show up with the meter in the screen save? I’m using the custom_800 files. should i use something from the other folders even though the resolutions don’t match mine?

EDIT: oh it just fits in there automagically! nice! great work @2aCD !

@Andy_Yong did you have to manually resize the album art etc in CSS to fit in to the background picture? or is there some sort of selection for each background image? if so i couldn’t find it as an option in either apperance or the peppy plugin. can you help?

Hi 2aCD,

My Boss2 setup is using Volumio 2.907.

For my local files, I try to keep my albumart size around 500 x 500 pixels. I put all the song info including albumart with “Tag Editor” program on my Mac. You’re right, it fits automatically.

Thanks 2aCD again for make our life much easier for this great add-on to an already excellent Volumio.

With the new PeppyMeter Plug-In, I have started from a scratch again just to see how easy it is for a beginner. I can tell you that it’s much easier than before. However, you still need to do some manual steps which is not hard (if you have done this manually before).

I probably will do a short video clip (put it on Youtube) from step 1 to finish soon to show exactly how I did and what tools (apps) I used.

What I did yesterday:

  1. Install Volumio 2.907 onto my 32GB SD card to use with my Raspberry PI4/8GB. Install the new PeppyMeter plugin. It went through without any issue. After installed and start playing, the only issue that I found is like usrslashvolumio mentioned earlier regarding play Tidal via Tidal Connect. It plays the first song (albumart doesn’t show and the meter doesn’t move) and then it was trying to load the next song forever. Playing Tidal and Qobuz inside Volumio doesn’t have issue at all.

  2. Install Volumio 2.907 onto my Asus Tinkerboard S internal 16gb EMMC. Install the new PeppyMeter plugin. It went through without any issue. I noticed that in Touch Display Plugin Setting (Installed Plugins) does not have “GPU Memory Settings” option. Everything is set up as the Pi4 but the screensaver never kicks in.


Hi Andy, Had you the tidal connect issue also with the manually installation before?

No, the manually installation is rock solid now.

Hi @usrslashvolumio,
Which screen resolution do you need on your system?

Hi @guyp2k,
uh 3.094 I have to test at time only 3.083.
But can you look with
journalctl -f
In console if an error available when PeppyMeter starts.

Not a big deal if not compatible with 3.094, I can roll back if needed.


I did test it on v3.094, it works (even if some adjustments are needed in the way it works @2aCD :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Could you share what edits/changes I need to make please?


I made no change… Just install the plugin

Oh je, yes it seems your card is full. :wink:

HI 2aCD,

Sorry, didn’t reply to your post correctly. I use Boss2 on my volumio 2.907. The Boss2 sound card driver part has no problem, it can play fine, but the OLED driver part has issues as described. Thanks.

Hi Pa21, I think its not a python problem. Both versions can be installed side by side. A python 2.7 program is called with


and a python 3.4 with


Please can you send me a personal message with your /etc/asound.conf and /etc/mpd.conf
But from a fresh installation with your Boss2 card and running oled without a Peppy installation. Then I can see whats the special on this configuration.

I assume we do not install crontab when using the plugin?


yes the plugin works without crontab. It works with a timer that allowed also values lower then 60s

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EDIT: i did a restart and it seems to be fixed. i’m not sure if this is related to peppy, but now my tidal (on board) and tidal connect stops playing after a few songs. it just gets stuck.

Do any of you have the issue where the album art doesn’t change and the time left and other information doesn’t change on the screensaver after the first song when the screen saver appears? Meaning it doesn’t update when moving to next song. Sometimes the album art doesn’t change and the information becomes blank. Or the timer is off. Or some other variations on this.

Here is an installation guide from start to finish on YouTube format. I was using a Mac to do this and it’s not that hard.


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