This volumio Project is nothing special, but i have to deal with some Music Files (30’000) and Backup, and … wy not have a Access Point on the Volumio Box? -> see third post
Setup :
Raspberry Pi B+
Hifiberry DAC+
USB Wifi Module 802.11b/g/n ->
Volumio 1.50
Install Hifiberry dac+ -> hifiberry Guide
The “Update Database Process” was allways broken perhaps after 20’000 Files and the databes is only written after the end of scanning. -> So i Decide to Setup the DLNA Server in pieces of 10’000 (for testing)
the process works -> scan first 10000 files -> reboot -> add 10000 Files to dlna Server -> scan second 10000 files -> reboot -> … This works for me
- Initalize scan
- Scanning DLNA Server (5000) Songs
- Normal use after scan
- Reboot
- Scanning next files …
Raspberry Memory Limit is 512 MB and I have decided to make a swapfile:
free -m
shows Swap = 0 MB means no swap
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Write the parameter CONF_SWAPSIZE=512
Save File
sudo apt-get install dphys-swapfile
free -m
shows Swap = 512MB swap
OK after the step above i scan the hole Library (35’000 files) at one time with success. an as you can see in the printscreen the memory is going over the 512 Mbyte. So Conclusion -> When you scan big song librarys you need enough memory for the scanning process.
Make Windows Folder on Server with “Share” and permissions for the “User”
On Raspberry:
cd /mnt
sudo mkdir Backup
sudo nano /etc/fstab
add following code to fstab and save file after
// /mnt/Backup cifs defaults,rw,username="User",password="Password",domain="Domain" 0 0
sudo mount -av
Now you can save with
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M | gzip -c > /mnt/Backup/Volumio.img.gz
a gziped image for Backup
Thats it.
Greetings Andi