Volumio Version: 2.853
Hardware: Raspi 4 + Allo Digione
DAC:Chord M Scaler
some days ago, I played a bit with Putty and looked for update with the package manger. I tried zu update Volumio, but it says I made custom updates. The I resetted the systems to factory condition, but updating is still denied. Today I tried to connect with Putty, but I can’t establish a connection. The IP is correkt, I can ping, play via Roon or open volumio.local.
But! The dokumentation warn to ugrade with apt-get upgrade. I’ve done it now, and it seems to work everything. But the Upgrade feature in volumio.local still shows me avaible upgrade.
What can I do? Is there a way to skip the upgrade blocker?
did you ip/dev and enabled ssh? ps. never upgrade always update, upgrade can damage your install
en in het nederlands je bent gek als je upgrade, maar altijd update…