I can’t get the Volumino Primo to work through the EAR Yoshino Acute Classic DAC. The EAR shows me in the display “format not supported”. No matter whether via SPDIF or USB.
The Volumina Primo recognizes the Audioquest Dragonfly Black immediately.
What is the problem? Do I need a driver for the EAR Acute Classic?
Thanks in advance for helpful answers.
Not much to find, besides that there are no linux drivers available. As the kernel doesn’t recognize it, I am afraid it will not work.
It seems the format required by the Dac is different from the one send (S32LE S16LE S24LE and so on)
I suggest to test Volumio buster bas the alsa pipeline is different and may be ok.
Test if it will be detected on a full Linux live distro.
Or contact them and ask if they support linux. So for none of their products works with linux. Only Win and MAC.
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Thanks for the replies.
What does a Win or Mac supported interface have to do with the EAR Acute Classic DAC ?
It’s just a matter of passing the information from the volumino Primo directly to the EAR DAC, bypassing the internal volumino DAC. The volumino is controlled by the volumno app and an iPad.
I am not a computer expert. It should be possible today to develop a plug and play.
In order to communicate through USB, the OS need to understand how to do it and what can be done. Therefore you need drivers. It seems that the Linux kernel doesn’t understand how to communicate or even recognize what is attached.
Most likely EAR doesn’t want to spend expensive developer time to a very small group Linux users.
So again, drop a question at EAR, as this is not something Volumio can solve.
Thank you.
I will contact EAR Yohino.
best regards
Please keep us posted on their reply. It might be useful to other users,