Problem with playing music from Spotify to Volumio

I noticed that something changed last couple of months.

Before it was very easy for any familymembers to play music from spotify and just press output to Volumio - unit.

Now it´s almost impossible to do that - it took me a long time to uninstall both apps several times.
Often in the spotify app, it looks like the song is playing in volumio unit but nothing happens even after new installations etc.

Somebody else noticed this too?

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I just found a topic at Spotify community that confirms my suspicion since sept -24.

It seems to work now with latest update Spotify plugin, v4.1.1.

It´s strange but Im pretty sure that Ive tried that before - anyway - very happy to be able to play music again.

Spotify integration is driving me nuts. It is just not stable.

Reinstalling the Spotify plugin has almost become a daily routine by now. The interface in Volumio is just not up to standard spotify. But playing spotify from Spotify just does not work.

I’ve had similar issues with my RPi 4 running Volumio 3.779. I’ve found downgrading to Spotify 4.0.3 has fix most of the issues. For example, I can play a large, multi-hour playlist with out issues. I’d suggest giving it a try. Good Luck.