Here my little HiFi project.
I must say that I am very satisfied about this.
I started this Project to recycle some components that I had, but I didn’t imagine it would become so satisfying.
It consists of a Raspberry pi 3 b, 7" lcd, HiFiBerry as amplifier and two 4ohm full-range elements as speakers.
For the software I installed Volumio because the interface is very clean and it’s easy to set up.
Printed entirely on Anycubic i3 Mega.
For the white elements I used a Sunlu PLA+ which sanded has a matte finish and pleasant soft touch.
For black I used ALFAOMNIA by Filoalfa,it’s a PETG loaded with carbon fiber, the print come out with zero post production.
Many hours of printing and some design problem, but overall is not bad and also sounds good.
If you are interested to do it yourself here the link to thingiverse: