Primo: USB DAC (Topping D10S) - standby


I bought a Topping D10S USB DAC and it has a feature that, after a while, when no audio dat on usb, it enters in sleep mode and after some more time it powers off, until audio data reappears on USB.

In volumio (Primo at least) it never sleeps… if I reboot or shutdown volumio it enters sleep but when volumio is turned on it never sleeps even without any music data on USB.

Any ideas?

Paulo Nunes

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modified title, so it’s better visible for the peeps form Volumio.

Hi Paulo,
I think Primo’s usb management is similar to a Pi: The power is not fully off when idle, so the Topping’s lights are still on.
I use this uhubctl script to toggle the power on and off.

I configured an IR remote button to toggle this on and off, otherwise you could maybe use a scheduler, but I haven’t tried that.

I was searching for this but wasn’t able to find it. Thank you.

The Topping D10S is a nice DAC, I think it’s primarily aimed for PC as source and headphones (a bit like my ifi Zen DAC PC setup).

Depending what you have connected to it, it may be worth getting one with an on/off button, volume control and remote, opens up your options a lot more - particularly with active speakers.

Anyway not exactly helpful but worth considering, some people change their gear around for quality of life, not only upgrades.

Please note that Volumio loses the USB output device when it turns off and when it turns on the volume is then at 100%. That seems very dangerous to me! (It would be better if Volumio set the volume to 0% when a new USB output device is detected) At least that’s how it was and I don’t know if it has been corrected.

The DAC’s power consumption is very low.
That’s why I deactivated the automatic power-off on my Topping E50. However, I don’t have the volume problem because I have a fantastic Allo DigiOne Signature connected to the DAC via coax.
I recommend - leave it switched on.

I use it connected to a pre-amp ↔ amp ↔ speakers, so I don’t have an issue with 100% volume. :slight_smile:

I understand, so it’s not a problem for you.
For me it’s direct without a preamp.

Yep, in that case it will be an issue. Have you tried the “hardware mixer option” with the sub-options:
start volume, max volume and so on?

That doesn’t work for me, I have to use a software mixer. I use the Allo DigiOne Signature and connect it to my Topping E50 DAC via coax.
I like the coax connection slightly better than USB. - That’s how it seems to me… - Would probably not pass a blind test… :slight_smile:
And that way I don’t have the problem of the volume being at 100% depending on the situation…

I don’t experience that. Mine keeps the existing volume after restart.
Pi 4 usb to D10S

I will try that and give feedback :wink: