Premium account uses cases

Hello ,

Until 2 wks ago I had Virtuoso account but I forgot to pay … and the account has been set to free . Now virtuoso is not available anymore … only premium is . To pay for one year is too expensive for my needs … so I pay for only 1 month .
I have only 1 rpi , use with tidal or qobuz … with peppymeter and now playing plugins …
And I like the ininity playback but is not a must for me .
I want to tel you that for my needs this premium is too expensive :frowning: . To be used only for tidal or qobuz integration to pay around 70euro/year
What can I do more with premium account to deserve the investment ? .

Thanks for your support .

Thanks for your answer

What do you mean by DSD playback , what options?
For multi Room Audio I need 2 Pis no ?


Hi Florin had to rewrite my reply
In this case, opting for a monthly plan might be the best solution.
here you can find some useful info about the premium account!

Kind Regards,
Volumio Support