Pop up shutdown banner has a graphical error in Android APP


  • Raspberry PI4 B
  • HiFiBerry DAC Plus
  • Volumio-3.703-2024-06-04-pi

RPI4 works in separate VLAN3.
When I connect to VOLUMIO from my Android App in the same network VLAN3, I see the proper graphic pop up shutdown menu:

But, when I try to connect from another VLAN, I see some graphical error in shutdown menu:

Any ideas?
Are additional firewall rules needed between VLANs?
I only configured:

  • added exceptions to Fasttrack for the address
  • forwarding dst address= dst port=80,3000
  • forward dst-address=[ip-address of volumio] dst-port=80

Seems this is caused by a delay hoping over VLAN’s. The page loaded but missed the translations.

Is it a bug?

Not really, reloading the page solves this issue.
(And keep in mind Volumio supports a netmask of

Could you advise, how to reload page in Android App ?
I use Volumio official Android application. Volumio

can’t answer having an iPhone, maybe some community user can.

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clear the cache memory of the volumio android app. First quit/stop the app and then delete the cache.

at least it works for me.

michel8166, thank you for your time,
but clearing cache I was trying before, and tryed now again - it’s not work.

All translation was loading, when the volumio server and volumio android app staying in one VLAN. When different VLAN. then translation do not loading.