Great to see Hummingboard/Cubox-i is 2nd most popular, feel like it validates my choice in buying it over another R-Pi and hopefully it will get v1.5 soon.
v1.4 doesn’t boot on my Humminboard-i1 (think it only works on the i4Pro?), but in the meantime I have been using this image: … -sd-image/ and adding the elements for the Volumio WebUI in manually.
Raspberry Pi Model A with HiFiBerry DAC feeding Bose Wave. Library held on USB stick. Powered USB hub used to power Pi and WiFi dongle. Volumio controlled either from PC or Nexus 7 tablet.
(see signature and trying to get USB connection to external DAC with USB input working correctly. So if that works and sounds better, the hifiberry becomes obsolete)
One with HIFIMEDIY SABRE TINY USB DAC, Sansui RZ-1900 reciever, self-designed bookshelf speakers with Faital Pro 3FE25 drivers running full-range
One with Nuforce u-DAC (USB), Miniwatt N3 tube amp and Klipsch Heresy speakers
One with generic PCM2704 USB DAC ($8 ebay), TPA3116 Amp board, self-designed speakers with GRS 8-FR full-range drivers and super tweeters filling in the highs
All using an RPi NAS to feed FLACs ripped from CDs or playing WebRadio. It all sounds great but my equipment is hardly audiophile in quality.